Results for 'Ricardo Santana Cabello'

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  1.  28
    Lessons from the European Regulation 1223 of 2009, on Cosmetics: Expectations Versus Reality.Ricardo Santana Cabello, Piedad Gañán Rojo & Robin Zuluaga - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (1):21-35.
    The aim of this paper is to conduct an analysis of the application of the specific rules of nanotechnology incorporated in Regulation No. 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products. It has been ten years since the European Commission had issued its proposal to start the co-decision procedure to create Regulation 1223 of 2009. Although it has been praised for noting the regulatory difference of nanomaterials over the rest of the chemicals, (...)
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  2. O neoconstitucionalismo E a concretização da dignidade da Pessoa idosa.Ricardo Maurício Freire Soares & Gilson Alves de Santana Júnior - 2015 - Revista Fides 6 (2).
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  3. A Formal-Logical Approach to the Concept of God.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2021 - Manuscrito. Revista Internacional de Filosofia 44 (4):224-260.
    In this paper I try to answer four basic questions: (1) How the concept of God is to be represented? (2) Are there any logical principles governing it? (3) If so, what kind of logic lies behind them? (4) Can there be a logic of the concept of God? I address them by presenting a formal-logical account to the concept of God. I take it as a methodological desideratum that this should be done within the simplest existing logical formalism. I (...)
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    Axiomatization of Crisp Gödel Modal Logic.Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez & Amanda Vidal - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (2):367-395.
    In this paper we consider the modal logic with both $$\Box $$ and $$\Diamond $$ arising from Kripke models with a crisp accessibility and whose propositions are valued over the standard Gödel algebra $$[0,1]_G$$. We provide an axiomatic system extending the one from Caicedo and Rodriguez (J Logic Comput 25(1):37–55, 2015) for models with a valued accessibility with Dunn axiom from positive modal logics, and show it is strongly complete with respect to the intended semantics. The axiomatizations of the most (...)
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  5. Against animal replaceability: a restriction on consequences.Ricardo Miguel - 2021 - In Michael Schefczyk & Christoph Schmidt-Petri (eds.), Utility, Progress, and Technology: Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the International Society for Utilitarian Studies. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing. pp. 183-192.
    Animal replaceability is supposed to be a feature of some consequentialist theories, like Utilitarianism. Roughly, an animal is replaceable if it is permissible to kill it because the disvalue thereby caused will be compensated by the value of a new animal’s life. This is specially troubling since the conditions for such compensation seem easily attainable by improved forms of raising and killing animals. Thus, grounding a strong moral status of animals in such theories is somewhat compromised. As is, consequently, their (...)
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    God and cosmos in stoicism.Ricardo Salles (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a collective study, in nine new essays, of the close connection between theology and cosmology in Stoic philosophy.
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  7. Introduction.S. Silvestre Ricardo, C. Herbert Alan & P. Göcke Benedikt - 2023 - In Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan C. Herbert & Benedikt Paul Göcke (eds.), Vaiṣṇava concepts of god: philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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  8. Vaiṣṇava concepts of god: philosophical perspectives.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre, Alan C. Herbert & Benedikt Paul Göcke (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge.
    This book analyses the concepts of God in Vaisnavism, which is commonly referred to as one of the great Hindu monotheistic traditions. Addressing the question of what attributes God possesses according to particular textual sources and traditions in Vaisnavism, the book analyses Vaisnava traditions and texts in order to locate them within a global philosophical framework. The book is divided into two sections. The first one, God in Vaisnava Texts, deals with concepts of God found in the canonical Vaisnava texts: (...)
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    The First Brazilian Thesis of Evolution: Haeckel's Recapitulation Theory and Its Relations with the Idea of Progress.Ricardo Francisco Waizbort, Maurício Roberto Motta Pinto da Luz, Flavio Coelho Edler & Helio Ricardo da Silva - 2021 - Journal of the History of Biology 54 (3):447-481.
    The aim of this work is to present the thesis “On the Ontogenetic Evolution of the Human Embryo in its Relations with Phylogenesis,” by Affonso Regulo de Oliveira Fausto, published in Brazil in 1890. To our knowledge, it was one of the first Brazilian academic works focused specifically on evolution. It was also the first doctoral thesis that addressed the topic of recapitulation in order to analyze what was then called the progressive evolution of the human species in tandem with (...)
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  10. part 5. Bioethics and health justice. Research ethics.Udo Schüklenk & Ricardo Smalling - 2014 - In Darrel Moellendorf & Heather Widdows (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Ethics. London: Routledge.
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  11. Contextualismo integrativo: una manera de ordenar los distintos conceptos de justificación epistémica.Ricardo Vazquez Gutierrez & Jonatan Garcia Campos - 2013 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 28 (1):27-44.
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    Realism, general relativity and Schrödinger’s Cat.Ricardo Restrepo Echavarria - 2024 - Sophia. Colección de Filosofía de la Educación 37:79-101.
    El presente trabajo examina la naturaleza de la realidad en el marco de la física moderna, incluyendo laposibilidad de la libertad. Adicionalmente, propone una reforma a la metafísica del realismo. Para el realismo,el mundo es como es, independiente de la mente. Sin embargo, la relatividad general supone que la velocidadde los objetos y el orden temporal de los eventos dependen del marco de referencia que se adopte. Qué marco de referencia se adopta responde a intereses humanos, pero sigue habiendo hechos (...)
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    Perdón y vida pública.Daniel Ricardo Esparza & Miriam Diez Bosch - 2021 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 83:57-69.
    En la sección titulada Irreversibilidad y el Poder de Perdonar en La Condición Humana, Arendt afirma que “el descubridor del papel del perdón en la esfera de los asuntos humanos fue Jesús de Nazaret”. En lo que sigue, quisiéramos aproximarnos al uso antiguo del verbo griego sungignôskô que a nuestro entender cumple el mismo papel que Arendt advierte en esta supuesta novedad cristiana —la “mutua exoneración de lo que se ha hecho”—, no sólo para entender en qué consistiría el descubrimiento (...)
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    Crítica de la Teoría de la Información.Ricardo López Pérez - 1998 - Cinta de Moebio 3.
    Este ensayo tiene como propósito mostrar el modo como se han constituido algunos intentos de estudiar la comunicación interpersonal desde una perspectiva más contextualizada e integrada, teniendo como fondo la crítica de propuestas de sesgo más fragmentario y analítico. Concretamente, se ha eleg..
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    Democracia y Liberalismo.Ricardo López Pérez - 1997 - Cinta de Moebio 2.
    La oposición entre Democracia y Liberalismo tiene su punto de tensión en la relación vida pública-vida privada. Para Roger Labrousse, la Democracia hace depender la vida privada del hombre de su vida pública, en tanto que para el Liberalismo la vida privada se antepone a la vida pública. Se trata de dos extremos que se articulan de modo complejo, a veces como complemento y a veces como conflicto. No podría ser de otro modo. Normalmente estas dicotomías tienen en una primera (...)
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    Abbreviations.Ricardo J. Quinones - 2010 - In Erasmus and Voltaire: Why They Still Matter. University of Toronto Press.
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    6. Never a Peace: ‘Thus always Cain or Abel’.Ricardo J. Quinones - 2010 - In Erasmus and Voltaire: Why They Still Matter. University of Toronto Press. pp. 145-176.
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    Consideraciones sobre los orígenes de los populismos progresistas en América Latina y la persistencia del Socialismo del Siglo XXI en Venezuela.Ricardo Cubas Ramacciotti - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (56).
    El régimen establecido por Hugo Chávez y continuado por Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela ha generado repercusiones sociales, migratorias, económicas y políticas que han trascendido las fronteras del país, convirtiéndose en un factor desestabilizador para la democracia y la seguridad de América Latina. Para explicar dicho fenómeno, se propone analizar los antecedentes, contextos y elementos que propiciaron su surgimiento y consolidación. Para ello, después de discutir el concepto y las características del populismo, se hace una revisión de su plasmación histórica en (...)
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  19. Diferenças entre as deduções nas duas edições da crítica da razão pura.Musse Ricardo - 1997 - Trans/Form/Ação 20 (1):45-55.
    Comparação entre as duas versões da dedução kantiana dos conceitos puros do entendimento, a da 1ª edição de 1781 e a de 1787. Focam-se aqui principalmente as discrepâncias referentes à dedução objetiva, isto é, aquela encarregada de demonstrar que as categorias são as condições de possibilidade dos objetos de experiência.
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    Authorised Histories: Human Remains and the Economies of Credibility in the Science of Race.Ricardo Roque - 2018 - Kronos 44 (1):69-85.
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    O argumento ontológico de Santo Anselmo.Sérgio Ricardo Strefling - 1993 - Porto Alegre: EDIPUCRS.
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    La razón compleja como base del pensamiento complejo.Ricardo González Palacios - 2021 - Universitas Philosophica 38 (77):161-184.
    El presente escrito tiene como propósito señalar algunas características de un nuevo tipo de razón que se basa en el pensamiento complejo y en sus principios: dialógico, hologramático y transdisciplinar, y su estrecha relación con el componente humano, el cual involucra la relación entre lo emocional y lo racional. Para lograrlo, el artículo está dividido en tres partes. La primera parte señala algunas limitaciones que ha tenido el paradigma científico moderno clásico, especialmente desde la desviación del concepto de la razón (...)
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  23. The emergence of symbol-based communication in a complex system of artificial creatures.Angelo Loula, Ricardo Gudwin, Charbel El-Hani & João Queiroz - unknown
    We present here a digital scenario to simulate the emergence of self-organized symbol-based communication among artificial creatures inhabiting a virtual world of predatory events. In order to design the environment and creatures, we seek theoretical and empirical constraints from C.S.Peirce Semiotics and an ethological case study of communication among animals. Our results show that the creatures, assuming the role of sign users and learners, behave collectively as a complex system, where self-organization of communicative interactions plays a major role in the (...)
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    La aportación del directivo hospitalario. Análisis de una controversia.Ricardo Herranz Quintana - 2001 - Arbor 170 (670):413-422.
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  25. Husserl.Ricardo Mendoza-Canales - 2016 - Barcelona, España: RBA.
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  26. Reason as a heterogenous tool: The case of notice to refugees.Jose Ricardo Souza Rodrigues - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (120):437-448.
  27.  10
    Bertrand Russell and the origins of the set-theoretic 'paradoxes'.Garciadiego Dantan & Alejandro Ricardo - 1992 - Boston: Birkhäuser Verlag.
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    De la lectura menor a la poética traficante. Primeras anotaciones en torno a la poesía de Tomás Harris y Nicolás Miquea.Ricardo Espinaza Solar - 2016 - Aisthesis 59:11-21.
    From the notion of “minor literature” proposed by Gilles Deleuze, the article comprises a general approach to the writings of the Chilean poets Tomás Harris and Nicolás Miquea, to raise the possibility of a “minor reading”, as an exercise of reflection on both authors. From a broad theoretical approach, the article also explores the identity of poetry as health event, otherness, and relational aesthetics for the conceptual development of a “poetic trafficker”.
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  29. Zur Physik von Descartes: Naturgesetze und Stossregeln.Ricardo Lopes Coelho - 2002 - Philosophia Naturalis 39 (1):45-60.
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    Desarrollo urbano o desplazamiento urbano: Macroproyecto de interés social nacional, comuna San José, Manizales.José Ricardo Álvarez Puerto - 2013 - Ratio Juris 8 (17):115-134.
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    El fin histórico de la ciudad. Acerca del vínculo entre arquitectura y policía.Patricio Landaeta Mardones & Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151).
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    Editorial: Social and Psychological Determinants of Value Co-creation in the Digital Era.Ricardo Martínez-Cañas, Maria Angeles García-Haro, Pablo Ruíz-Palomino & Louise Kelly - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Breves lecciones de lógica y teoría del conocimiento o gnoseología.Ricardo A. Sánchez - 1971 - Quito,: Editorial Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana.
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    El misterio latinoamericano.Ricardo Yocelevzky Retamal & Óscar Cuellar Saavedra - 2011 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 29.
    América Latina es un concepto, una construcción intelectual que intenta dar cuenta de un grupo de estados nacionales, variable en su composición pero con un núcleo estable, las ex colonias españolas y portuguesas del continente americano. Hoy no hay en América Latina un programa de desarrollo nacional alternativo a la integración al mundo capitalista global. Las experiencias nacionales que la izquierda dirige no constituyen una imagen como la que representó Cuba en los años sesenta, ni desde el punto de vista (...)
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    Educational Programs to Promote Social Entrepreneurship: Development of Human and Community Skills in Real Environments.Gustavo Adolfo Santana Sardi, Néstor Vicente Mendoza Ledesma, María Luz Gonzales Díaz & Fabian Alveiro Contreras Medina - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:146-155.
    This quantitative study investigates the impact of educational programs designed to foster social entrepreneurship on the development of human and community skills. Data were collected from 150 university students in Latin America, who participated in social entrepreneurship programs during the 2022-2023 academic cycle. Through structured surveys, key competencies such as leadership, empathy, problem-solving and teamwork were assessed. The results show that educational programs that integrate social entrepreneurship have a significant impact on the development of skills that not only benefit students (...)
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    Physics Teaching: Mathematics as an Epistemological Tool.Ricardo Karam - 2015 - Science & Education 24 (5-6):645-660.
    We study the interconnection between Physics and Mathematics in concrete instances, departing from the usual expression for the Coulomb electric field, produced by a point-like charge. It is scrutinized by means of six epistemology-intensive questions and radical answers are proposed, intended to widen one’s understanding of the subject. Our interventions act along two complementary directions. One of them regards ontology, since questions induce one to look closely at the electric charge, from different perspectives, promoting reflections about its nature and reinforcing (...)
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    Preface.Clovis Ricardo Montenegro de Lima - 2017 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 3 (2):v-viii.
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    Resenha.Ricardo Timm de Souza - 2004 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 49 (1):154.
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    O terreno do direito achado na renda fundiária: introdução a uma crítica jurídica a partir do livro III, de O capital de Marx.Ricardo Prestes Pazello - 2024 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 29 (1):388-411.
    Neste ensaio de interpretação, pretende-se dar continuidade à leitura do texto de Marx encontrado na seção VI, do livro III de O capital, quanto à problemática jurídica. Trata-se de leitura específica, ainda que descritiva, dos apontamentos do revolucionário alemão sobre o direito no contexto dos escritos sobre o processo global da produção capitalista. A metodologia de interpretação segue pesquisa anterior que estabeleceu os sentidos do direito no texto marxiano, compreendendo-o como fundamentalmente caracterizado por relações jurídicas que se distinguem de meras (...)
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    Sobre a concepção totalitária da vida.Silvio Ricardo Gomes Carneiro - 2011 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 18:179-196.
    Following a Weltanschaaung that involves a concept of life, Hitler has organized one of central chapiters of his autobiography My Struggle, named “Nation and Race”. Three human groups – to know, the founders of culture, the bearers of culture, the destroyers of culture – would be organized as forms of life. These three groups cohabit in competition for the territory of living space. With Hitler´s interpretations, come up then a living economic, that justifies the Total State or the Total War. (...)
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    Complexity invariance by replication in the quantum square well.Ricardo López-Ruiz & Jaime Sanudo - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski (ed.), Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--04.
  42. A "molecularização" do câncer de próstata : reflexões sobre o chip de DNA.Marko Monteiro & Ricardo Z. N. Vêncio - 2012 - In Ricardo Ventura Santos, Sahra Gibbon & Jane Felipe Beltrão (eds.), Identidades emergentes, genética e saúde: perspectivas antropológicas. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Fiocruz.
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    Estéticas en el laberinto: estudios sobre filosofía, literatura y teoría de la pintura.Piñero Moral & Ricardo Isidro - 2020 - Madrid, España: Editorial Sindéresis.
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    La naturaleza de las pasiones del alma en Descartes.Ricardo Parelleda - 2000 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 23 (1):235.
    Los pensamientos o funciones del alma son para Descartes actos de conocer o de querer. Entre los primeros se encuentran la imagi nación, la sensación, las afecciones del cuerpo y las pasiones del alma. Se ofrece una reconstrucción de las clases de actos de conciencia que reco noce Descartes y del lugar de las pasiones.
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    Systems, models and self-awareness: Towards architectural models of consciousness.Ricardo Sanz, Carlos Hernández, Jaime Gómez, Julita Bermejo-Alonso, Manuel Rodríguez, Adolfo Hernando & Guadalupe Sánchez - 2009 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 1 (2):255-279.
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    Exploring culture through in-depth interviews: is it useful to ask people about what they think, mean, and do?Ricardo Rivas & Michael Gibson-Light - 2016 - Cinta de Moebio 57:316-329.
    In 2010, American sociologist John Levi Martin asserted that in-depth interviews are inadequate for the study of culture. This sparked a debate in the discipline over the legitimacy of interview methods for researchers of culture and others. Here, we contextualize and contribute to this debate. We review the ideas of Martin and argue that in-depth interviews are in fact valid, well-supported in the field, and useful for investigating cultural phenomena. We build this counter-argument on three angles: epistemological, theoretical and methodological. (...)
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    Bonté, rationalité et impuissance chez le démiurge Stoïcien.Ricardo Salles - 2017 - Chôra 15:93-110.
    Why does the Stoic demiurge cause the conflagration? In this paper, I revisit some issues addressed in Salles 2005 and argue that the conflagration is the result of an incapacity in the demiurge for creating an everlasting and uninterrupted cosmic order. Also, I bring out in more detail the parallel between the Stoics and Plato at Tim. 75a‑c, why cosmic order is the ultimate end pursued by the demiurge, what is the physical mechanism that leads up to the conflagration, and (...)
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    Prof. Ricardo Yepes (Subdirector del Instituto de Ciencias para la Familia), Leonardo Polo. Su vida y escritos.Ricardo Yepes - 2006 - Studia Poliana:15-21.
    Este trabajo describe la vida y escritos de L. Polo hasta 1996. A los 25 años descubrió su método de pensamiento: el abandono del limite mental. Vivió en Madrid, Roma, Granada y Pamplona. Amante de la verdad y de la libertad personal. Entre sus obras más profundas se encuentran las que componen su Curso de teoría del conocimiento y su Antropología trascendental.
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  49. Save the planet: eliminate biodiversity.Carlos Santana - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (6):761-780.
    Recent work in the philosophy of biology has attempted to clarify and defend the use of the biodiversity concept in conservation science. I argue against these views, and give reasons to think that the biodiversity concept is a poor fit for the role we want it to play in conservation biology on both empirical and conceptual grounds. Against pluralists, who hold that biodiversity consists of distinct but correlated properties of natural systems, I argue that the supposed correlations between these properties (...)
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  50. Three Elements of Stakeholder Legitimacy.Adele Santana - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (2):257-265.
    This paper focuses attention on the stakeholder attribute of legitimacy. Drawing upon institutional and stakeholder theories, I develop a framework of stakeholder legitimacy based on its three aspects—legitimacy of the stakeholder as an entity, legitimacy of the stakeholder’s claim, and legitimacy of the stakeholder’s behavior. I assume that stakeholder legitimacy is socially constructed by management and that each of its three aspects exists in degree in the manager’s perception. I discuss how these aspects interact and change over time, and propose (...)
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